• Nieuws
  • 9-1-2024

Mosaic World's new strategy breaks with traditional vacancy management

Mosaic World breaks with traditional vacancy management and introduces three new brands, including Monoma, Plaza Resident Services and NewNewNew.

Mosaic World launches a new strategy in which its five brands jointly offer a total solution for the creation of new (social) rental housing, area development and their maintenance. In order to remain successful now and in the future, a vision has been developed under the leadership of CEO Patricia Ghering to take the moving market by the hand again, just as when the company was founded in 1993. Part of this transformation is the discontinuation of traditional vacancy management and the activities of Camelot and the introduction of three new brands: Monoma, Plaza Resident Services and platform NewNewNew.

The demand for high-quality, affordable housing is not only one of the major challenges of our time, there was also a lack of suitable housing space in 1993. Even then, a house for sale was not for everyone and the rental market was already overheated, especially for those who found flexibility and change of environment important. Joost van Gestel, the first provider of the guardian concept, saw that there was a large group of people who were not necessarily looking for a standard home and at the same time there were many characteristic buildings vacant. Almost thirty years later, temporary living in many European countries is the most normal thing in the world and Van Gestel's company has grown into a meaningful European player that offers sustainable total solutions for living and working spaces; from developing (social) rental housing and building student campuses to property management and securing construction sites. Mosaic World has realized approximately 3,500 new (social) rental homes in the Netherlands in the past five years and this year another 1,000 new homes will be added.

Limitless living

At the beginning of 2021, Van Gestel asked Patricia Ghering, as CEO of MosaicWorld, together with the management team, to further shape the growth of the Eindhoven-based company and to create more synergy between the various divisions, countries and the head office. Mosaic World notes that the guardian concept of loan housing, as invented in 1993, has limitations to be able to meet the current needs of residents, customers and clients. That is why it stops with traditional vacancy management and with it the activities of Camelot. In Mosaic World's opinion, traditional vacancy management revolves too much around realizing the lowest costs for the client, which is at the expense of the quality of homes and therefore does not contribute to sustainable community development.

In order to respond to current needs and realize sustainable area development, Mosaic World now introduces Monoma; temporary living and working 2.0 for people who consciously choose temporary housing in unconventional, unused real estate. This allows the urban environment to receive a powerful, creative impulse. A team of experts is ready for European property owners and municipalities to realize, within the legal and social frameworks, qualitative customized solutions Offices, care homes, government properties and monasteries are being transformed into affordable housing for starters, newcomers or students. In addition, Monoma has the power to co-invest itself or to issue rental guarantees for solutions for temporary use up to periods of ten years.

Mosaic World CEO Patricia Ghering:"The changing needs of our residents, tenants and clients not only require a different solution, but also a flexible organization. An organization that not only moves along, but also continues to innovate and inspire. An organization that stands for reliability, sustainability and is connected. That organization is Mosaic World; the connector between the independent brands B-Right, Plaza Resident Services, NewNewNew, Monoma and WatchTower Security Solutions. We believe that cities are made up of communities and that communities are made up of connections. Connections between people and spaces, both private and public, where they live and work. Mosaic World breaks the traditional boundaries of living and working by bringing harmony, as cities thrive on dynamism and change, on people coming and going. We facilitate this wave of exciting, new connections with our total package of services. This is how we implement our recalibrated vision: Reshaping Urban Living Together."

New Eindhoven headquarters symbolise Mosaic World vision

Mosaic World understands that a living or working space is not only a place where you stay, but where you also live and experience things. That is why Mosaic World wants to offer much more than just square meters. Community life plays an important role in this. Mosaic World offers tenants the opportunity to share living and workingspace, activities, facilities, life experiences and knowledge together. To inspire residents, tenants, customers and clients, Mosaic World itself sets a good example. The Mosaic World headquarters in Eindhoven will be transformed into an inspiring environment where living, working and relaxation come together. The realisation will start in 2022. At this central location in the city, approximately 200 employees of Mosaic World will move between people who rent a home or workspace via NewNewNew.space, Plaza Resident Services or Monoma. Together with the residents, they use the same (sports) facilities, creating new connections.

Digital customer portal for tenants

Mosaic World is constantly looking for opportunities to further optimize its transparency and service for its tenants. After a thorough adjustment of its services to residents as communicated in May 2021, Mosaic World now announces that it will invest again in further optimizing its services. And it will continue to do so systematically in the future. In order to further improve communication with the residents and to provide a transparent service, Mosaic World is now introducing a digital customer portal. In this customer portal, users get their own environment with, among other things, contract and invoice data and answers to frequently asked questions. Furthermore, employees are available 24/7 via this portal for, for example, a repair request, reporting nuisance or changing data.

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